Comprehensive Software Design Thinking

 Comprehensive Software Design Thinking

Measure twice and cut once is a well-known aphorism in the construction industry. It cautions that one should not rush to execution without being thorough in preparation and planning. In software, and in this era of all things Agile, that principle is still essential. Whether you are working on a prototype, an MVP, a seemingly small feature, or a major release, it is important to take the time to plan before rushing to execution. The benefits of doing so outweigh the costs. In some cases, you’ll avoid running into major issues, and in other cases, by having a complete picture, you’ll simply be better positioned to fine tune the scope of work, choose what is essential and place non-essential tasks on the product backlog.

-Ensure you fully comprehend what is to be built so that you can reliably scope the work

-Ensure that you haven’t overlooked a key element, such as an adverse cyber-security impact or a required database modification

-Ensure that you don’t miss a peripheral impact to the overall system, such as a performance degredation or increased caching costs

-Ensure that you fully capture the User Experience and all UI impacts, so that you don’t find out later that the user experience is worsened or a common workflow is overlooked

-Ensure that all actors and use cases are considered, so that admin or internal users are accommodated

When I’m managing a software project, I keep a checklist handy to ensure that I don’t miss an important impact when introducing a new feature. This checklist is pretty comprehensive, but extremely quick to run through, so it is silly not to use it. Incidentally, not having a checklist just means that someone, somewhere along the product development pipeline is doing it on the fly in their head.

A Sample Checklist (not comprehensive):

-List each system component, including micro-services

-List database components

-data requirements, including sample, test and live data

-testing requirements, test cases, test data

-List of users/actors

-Scalability Impact

-Caching Impact

-Performance Impace

-Front-end Layer

-Mobile Apps


-API Layers


-3rd party Integrations

-Security Vulnerability Implications

-UI/UX Interfaces impacted

-List of Major Use Cases

-Deployment impacts, to all environments: testing, staging, production

-Conflicts with ongoing or other development

-Documentation changes

-User permissions/rights/role changes at the application and/or database layer

-OS system configuration, application, user changes

I’d like to reiterate that you can still hold true to the rapid development methodology and even a ‘move fast and break things’ approach. If you take a moment to checklist review any proposed task before jumping into execution, you will have far more confidence in the scope of work and its likelihood of achieving business objectives.

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